Sankey diagram
Renewable energy share
Renewable shares per final energies are calculated by analysing all energy flows going through different transformation processes (electricity and heat production processes, power-to-gas etc.) as described by the Sankey diagram. An algorithm goes upstream through this complex energy system, from a given final energy to all relevant primary energies, and determines their respective shares. For example, a renewable share of 50% for final electricity means that 50% of the electricity consumed has been produced by renewable means, either directly from renewable power technologies such as wind of PV, or indirectly - for example if gas cogeneration has been used with a share of renewables in the gas mix. NB: the mix of imported secondary energy carriers (power, gas...) is calculated from exports of other EU countries, and may thus contain some level of renewables, included in this calculation as well.
Energy carrier balance
Local production coverage ratios are simply defined as the ratio between the local production of a given energy carrier, and its local consumption (including final and non final uses). A ratio above 100% thus means that the country is more than self-sufficient (net exporter), while a ratio below 100% means that the country is a net importer.
The above chart describes the contribution of misc. technologies (and possibly imports) to the production of a given secondary energy carrier.
The above chart illustrates final and internal (non final) uses of a given secondary energy carrier. Losses are either included in each internal use, or separated (in both case, the total is the same):
- "Included losses": transformation & network losses are attributed to each internal use & final demand sectors
- "Separated losses": losses are grouped as a separate category
Energy consumption
EU indicators & objectives
In this section, indicators are calculated according to Eurostat methodology, and compared with official EU objectives (when available).
Caution: the perimeter for bunkers is different in this section than above graphs - international aviation is included, international maritime transport is excluded.
- Overall RES has not been adapted.
- The RES-E (share of renewables in power sector) has been adapted to follow Eurostat methodology and is calculated as gross renewable production / gross final consumption (including internal uses such as electrolysis and e-fuels). It may thus be above 100% (in case of high share of renewables, and exports). Renewable power imports are not included in the numerator.
- RES-T (share of renewable in transportation) only partially follows Eurostat methodology. Main differences: multipliers are approximated (3x for electricity use as a whole, 1.5x for biofuels), non compliant biofuels not excluded, international freight and kerosene not excluded, RES-E calculated from current year mix (not 2 years ago).
- RES-H&C (share of renewable in heating & cooling) follows Eurostat methodology: share of renewables in final energies excluding electricity and transportation uses.
This indicator is equivalent to Eurostat's "Final energy consumption (Europe 2020-2030)", it is equal to the final energy consumption calculated previously, without ambient heat, non-energy consumption, international maritime consumption and the energy sector (except blast furnaces).
This indicator is equivalent to Eurostat's "Primary energy consumption (Europe 2020-2030)", it is equal to the primary energy consumption calculated previously, without ambient heat and non-energy consumption.
SEPIA v1.8 @ 22/06/2023 14h15